50 Shortcut keys of MS Office Excel.

    Here is some shortcut keys of MS Office Excel. It will make your work easy and fast.

1.Ctrl + N : Open new work book.

2.Ctrl + A :  Select entire workbook.

3.Ctrl + B : Turn highlighted cells Bold.

4.Ctrl + C : Copy cell.

5.Ctrl + V : Paste value in cell.

6.Ctrl + U : Turn highlighted cells Underline.

7.Ctrl + I : Turn highlighted cells Italic.

8.Ctrl + D : To fill upper cell value in current cell.

9.Ctrl + S : Save workbook.

10.Ctrl + O : Open saved workbook.

11.Ctrl + K : To insert hiperlink in cell.

12.Ctrl + P : Print workbook.

13.Ctrl + Space : Select entire column.

14.Ctrl + W : Close workbook.

15.Ctrl + ; : Enter current date.

16.Ctrl + Shift + :  : Enter current time. 

17.Ctrl + Shift + $ : To apply currency formating in cell or selected cells.

18.Ctrl + Shift + @ : Time Formating.

19.Ctrl + Shift + = : Insert columns or rows.

20.Ctrl + 1 : Formate cell contents.

21.Ctrl + 5 : Put a strikethrought in cell.

22.Ctrl + 8 : Show outline symbols.

23.Ctrl + 9 : Hide a row.

24.Ctrl + 0 : Hide a column.

25.Ctrl + Z : Undo changes.

26.Ctrl + Y : Redu changes.

27.Ctrl + Shift + # : Date formaing.

28.Ctrl + Shift + 0 : Select cell containing comments.

29.Ctrl + Up Arrow : To go to the top most cell in current column.

30.Ctrl + Down Arrow : To jump to the last most cell in current column.

31.Ctrl + Left Arrow : To jump back in most cell in current row.

32.Ctrl + Right Arrow : To go to the last most cell in current column.

33.Esc : Clear contents during editing situation in cell.

34.Alt + H + B :  Add a border.

35.Alt + H + H : Add a colour.

36.F2 : Edit cell.

37.Ctrl + End : Go last cell in workbook.

38.Ctrl + Home : Jump back first cell in workbook.

39.Ctrl + W : Close current workbook.

40.Ctrl + Shift + _(Underline) : Remove border.

41.Ctrl + Shift + & : Place border around selected cells.

42.Shift + Tab :  To go back previouse cell.

43.Tab : Move next cell.

44.Alt + 1 : Turn on auto save.

45.Alt + F + Z : Share workbook.

46.Ctrl + - : Delete column or row.

47.Ctrl + F : Find contents or values.

48.Shift + Right Arrow : Select current cell to further cells.

49.Shift + Left Arrow : Select current cell to previouse cells.

50.Ctrl + F4 : Close Excel.

Bonus trick 

press Alt button on your key-board and you'll see some alphabets on menu bar. like this..

Simply press that alphabet which menu you wan to go.

This 50 shortcut keys will make your work easy and faster.

I hope this will be worth it for you.

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